Monday, January 22, 2007

Hello World

Every, or nearly every, programming course/tutorial starts with a "hello world" program. so in my initial post I pay my respects to this tradition.

I have been in the IT field for over 20 years and have worked, contracted and consulted to and for many companies in many capacities. Currently as I have my CISSP I am concentrating on security.

I plan using this blog to discuss security related topics, but reserve the right to wander off topic and follow tangents from time to time.

I have to thank Two Guys Named Joe: A technology podcast for the average Joe ( for getting me thinking about this. They invited me to be a guest on one of their podcasts (2gnj Episode 20: Security is everyone's concern), and found that I liked it.

I did decide that blogging would be a quicker, easier method. So here I am world.

1 comment:

g said...

i like to be in touch with you and if you email me, i will send you my questions, thank you.

llkmg1223[AT] gamil [DOT] com.